Saturday 31 December 2011

I don't celebrate Christmas

This always shocks people - I ignore Christmas on 25th December.  Why? I don't have any family, and I have been single since 2005.  Christmas is a time for family and for the person you're in love with.  So, I have a Christmas day in October or November with my friends.  We have an actual Christmas - presents, food, alcohol and crap Christmas movies.  It honestly works - we always have a good time.  This year (2011) was amazing.  So, my friends get to have Christmas with me, then on 25th December they are forced to deal with the usually very stressful Christmas with family etc.  I usually just get drunk and ignore it.  It works well for me, and has done for quite some time now.

On 24th December 2011 I got quite drunk.  Vodka and Irn Bru (a sweet fizzy drink for those who do not know what it is) was my drink.  Irn Bru is very sticky when dry.  Unfortunately, I dropped it on my laptop.  Totally ruined it.  I tried cleaning the keys (laptop keys are very different to keys on a PC keyboard).  Couldn't log into it - in the vernacular it is absolutely fucked.  So, on Boxing Day I had to fork out £400 for a new laptop - pro's and con's!  The new laptop has more memory, more RAM and a better processor (quad-core processor???).  I backed my laptop up a few months ago, so I do not think there is too much missing - and I will be able to retrieve it when I pay for the keyboard to be fixed on my laptop.  So, for once, I actually bought myself a very expensive Christmas present - doesn't happen often :)

So, 2011, what has it been?  I started a training contract (the training period for solicitors).  I qualify on 4th July 2012.  I am still single.  I have fallen in love with this guy, but he has now gone away for a year (working at a ski resort, then travelling around East Asia).  I work stupid hours, but am learning more as I do.  I've started working in a new area (to me) of law.  I worked in consumer credit before - total nightmare area of law.  I have now also started looking at a new and developing area of law (interest rate swap hedging policies).  That is very exciting, for me at least.  I give up smoking (again) in January. But, I now live in a small little town, and I am missing Manchester a lot.  I have a zero social life here, and it is now getting me down.  I have received the most ludicrous complaint (see my last blog - complaint about my "condescending signature" ha ha ha).  So, on the whole, my life has shrunk down to just work and no play in 2011.  I am determined to change that in 2012.

So, the whole point of this blogg was to show that not everyone has Christmas in the conventional way (though I am one of the most unconventional people I know).  I also wanted to reflect on 2011.

I wish you all a very prosperous 2012.  Let's hope that the world is a more peaceful place this time next year.