Wednesday 30 November 2011

A good start - a complaint

Most people blog complaints.  I thought I would start with a complaint made about me.  A very amusing complaint.  I promise this is true, this is a true complaint that a client made about and against me.  I think it is that funny that I have started this blog with it :)

I am a trainee solicitor.  I bring claims against mortgage brokers for negligent advice.  We get all kinds of clients - people just after money through to people whose lives have been absolutely devastated.  In the first instance we must send out a client care letter - it is a requirement of the solicitors' code of conduct.  With this particular gentleman we sent the CCL.  We did not get it back, so a standard letter was sent out chasing it.  So, this chap emails me and, among other things, complains about my signature.  I did not quite understand this, so emailed back saying if he wishes to make a formal complaint about my signature I would certainly pass it along.

He emails back saying it is an off the record complaint, but (this is the good bit) my signature is condescending and he objects to this condescension.  I must admit, I laughed so hard at this - a signature can be condescending? So, I emailed back and said (slightly sarcastically) that I had informed my manager and complaints' manager about it, that they would keep it under review and they would take action if my signature was condescending to any other people.  Anyway, he keeps going on, and then says, an email or two later: "Did you even sign [the letter]?"  Well, I didn't - which at that stage was the rather ironic point to the whole debacle.  It was a letter printed by someone else, they signed it and sent it - I didn't see nor did I sign it.  So, upon receipt f my email, this chap goes up the wall and states that this beyond the pale so wants to make a formal complaint.  Why? Because the signature (the condescending one) did not have "pp" next to it. (PP is used to denote that the signature is made by someone on behalf of the named writer).

I can honestly say that this cheered me up.  Quite how this would upset someone as much as it upset this chap is beyond me.  I take my job very, very seriously.  I work 50 - 70 hours a week.  I take my duties extremely seriously.  I take my responsibilities to my clients as equally seriously.  I have clients whose lives had been devastated by advice they have taken from professional mortgage brokers.  I have clients who have lost everything, and it is for them that I work stupid hours.  And the response? Someone getting exceptionally wound up over a signature.  It really does put everything else into perspective, doesn't it?